McLoon, in Encyclopedia of the Eye, 2010. E.R. Trauma to the orbit can damage the short ciliary nerves. 2011;102:427-466., Bremner FD, Smith SE. Fibres containing vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and neuropeptide Y have been identified in the choroid and probably act as vasodilator and vasoconstrictor agents, respectively. N Engl J Med. Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated-2nd Edition. The lesion causing pupillary dysfunction is generally thought to be in the ciliary ganglion … Found inside – Page 202They occur from local damage to the ciliary ganglion or short ciliary nerves , as part of a widespread peripheral or autonomic neuropathy , or in otherwise ... National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) 55 Kenosia Ave., Danbury CT 06810 • (203)744-0100. For information about clinical trials being conducted at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD, contact the NIH Patient Recruitment Office: Toll-free: (800) 411-1222 TTY: (866) 411-1010 Email: [email protected], Some current clinical trials also are posted on the following page on the NORD website:, For information about clinical trials sponsored by private sources, contact:, For more information about clinical trials conducted in Europe, contact: Preganglionic axons from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus form synapses with these cells. Clinical symptoms and signs of Adie tonic pupil include the following: Ciliary ganglion. 3. Tonic Pupil (Adie Pupil) Tonic pupil is defined as isolated iris sphincter and ciliary muscle dysfunction resulting from damage to the ciliary ganglion or postganglionic short ciliary nerves (in the orbit),followed by aberrant reinnervation. Supersensitivity of denervation makes the tonic pupil sensitive to dilute pilocarpine. More than 40 cases of Ross syndrome have been reported in the medical literature. Postganglionic axons from the ciliary ganglion run in short ciliary nerves to reach smooth muscle in the iris and ciliary body. There have been some reports in the medical literature that individuals with Adie syndrome may experience other abilities of autonomic function such as issues with cardiovascular function. It causes damage to the optic nerve and causes vision loss. The ciliary ganglion, or the long ciliary nerves. Pharmacologic Mydriasis Because the pupillary fibers are located superficially, they are vulnerable to compressive processes such as aneurysmal mass effect, various tumors such as pituitary apoplexy, and uncal herniation(▶Fig. Because the pupillary fibers are located superficially, they are vulnerable to compressive processes such as aneurysmal mass effect, various tumors such as pituitary apoplexy, and uncal herniation. Parasympathetic fibers for pupillary constriction travel along the third cranial nerve to the ipsilateral ciliary ganglion within the orbit. Found inside – Page 357It is generally accepted, however, that the lesion is in the ciliary ganglion,with damage to the postganglionic neurons serving the ciliary muscle and iris ... … NORD strives to open new assistance programs as funding allows. Found inside – Page 269Sympathetic root of ciliary ganglion Superior division of oculomotor nerve ... rectus muscle; damage results in ipsilateral paralysis of lateral gaze. Herpes zoster virus can attack the ciliary ganglion. In most instances, the exact cause of Adie syndrome is unknown (idiopathic). 7. -The ciliary ganglion is located within the muscle cone, just behind the globe. Ciliary ganglion with parasympathetic fibers of ciliary nerves. Ocular conditions that keep a large pupil from constricting include: posterior synechia, angle closure glaucoma, previous ocular surgery, ocular trauma, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, and chronic mydriatic use can produce mydriasis of various sizes; the pupil is not or is poorly reactive to light. Originally published: Clinical anatomy of the visual system / Lee Ann Remington; with a contribution by Eileen C. McGill. Patients with various kinds of peripheral neuropathy also damage the innervation of their intraocular muscles in both eyes, including the … Found insideEndocarditis remains an elusive challenge for clinicians to master. No ultrastuctural changes were observed in parasympathetic cholinergic neurons in the ciliary ganglion and pelvic plexus, nor in sensory neurons in nodose and dorsal root ganglia. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. The ciliary ganglion can be injured directly or iatrogenically. Ocular and orbital surgeries that have been associated with ciliary ganglion injury include the following (8): Optic nerve sheath fenestration (especially lateral orbitotomy approach) (12) Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, St. Louis, MO; 2009:145. Kenneth W. Lindsay PhD FRCS, ... Geraint Fuller MD FRCP, in Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated (Fifth Edition), 2010. The normal pupil will constrict. Dilatation occurs only very slowly on release of accommodation following convergence. Found insideThe authors are world experts keen to share their vast experience with the reader. The Textbook of Intraocular Inflammation will be a valuable resource for all physicians who deal with patients with inflammatory eye disease. Function of ciliary muscle. 12.38) include the following: Behind the globe ventral to the optic nerve, the preganglionic fibers synapse in the ciliary ganglion. Neurophysiological evaluation of areflexia in Holmes-Adie syndrome. Individuals may print one hard copy of an individual disease for personal use, provided that content is unmodified and includes NORD’s copyright. With near stimulation, these fibers release acetylcholine, which diffuses into the aqueous humor and then causes the supersensitive sphincter to constrict.49 In late stages of this condition, the pupil becomes tonic and the miotic near reaction difficult to demonstrate, but the accommodative facility appears to recover, perhaps as a result of regeneration of the fibers.20,50, If the cause of the tonic pupil is not apparent, the syndrome is called Adie’s tonic pupil. A diagnosis of Adie syndrome can be made by a thorough clinical evaluation and a detailed patient history. The term Adie syndrome is used when both abnormalities of the pupil and loss of deep tendon reflexes are present. Individuals with Adie syndrome have absent or poor (sluggish) deep tendon reflexes as well. ciliary. 4. Pupillary dilation following ocular trauma often results from injury to the pupillary sphincter muscle. Sensory (V 1) and sympathetic fibers pass through without synapsing, whereas parasympathetic fibers synapse in the ganglion. In the differential diagnosis of Adie’s pupil, a very mild, direct-acting cholinergic agonist can be used because the sphincter muscle is supersensitive.20,54 A dilute concentration of pilocarpine (0.125%) has minimal effect on a normal sphincter but will cause significant clinical miosis in a supersensitive sphincter. Within the orbit, they branch off and synapse in the ciliary ganglion. Tonic pupil, pupil Adie syndrome Adie Holmes: current reassessment of terminology – a clinical case. ganglion damage in Adie’s? It is believed that most cases result from inflammation or damage to the The branches of the ciliary ganglion are the short ciliary nerves.. Release of the stretch results in a return of normal heart rate. In most instances, the exact cause of Adie syndrome is unknown (idiopathic). This partial paresis produces sector palsy of the iris, with limited sections partially reacting; this phenomenon is best observed with the slit lamp. If the dilated pupil constricts only partially or not at all, the diagnosis of pharmacologic mydriasis is confirmed. Pupillary function is under autonomic control. What may happen to the size of the pupil over time in the Adie syndrome? Information on current clinical trials is posted on the Internet at Because the patient can move his eyeballs normally, the oculomotor nerve is not damaged even if this nerve contains preganglionic parasympathetic fibers. 1. Mydriasis from isolated third nerve palsy is essentially always associated with an extraocular movement deficit (responsible for diplopia) and/or ptosis. Because the pupillary fibers are located superficially, they are vulnerable to compressive processes such as aneurysmal mass effect, various tumors such as pituitary apoplexy, and uncal herniation. What are ocular disorders that keep a large pupil from constricting? TEXTBOOKS Rosenfield M, Logan N. Eds. The pupil may be irregular and is typically large. B. Efferent Limb 3. Pharmacologic testing confirms the diagnosis of pharmacologic mydriasis: . Ross syndrome: a rare or a misknown disorder of thermoregulation? It was named after the British-Australian neurologist William John Adie (1886 - 1935) 1. Is complete mydriasis likely to be related to a 3rd nerve paresis? When asked to rise his eyelids, he can only raise the lid of the right eye. In fact, in human eye, immunohistochemical staining identified the expression of VDR in the epithelium of the cornea, lens, ciliary body, and retinal pigmented epithelial cells, as well as, ganglion cell layer, and photoreceptors . Sympathetic fibres descend from the ipsilateral hypothalamus through the lateral aspect of the brain stem into the spinal cord. 2012. -Only the parasympathetic fibers synapse in the ciliary ganglion. The ciliary ganglion is a parasympathetic ganglion located in the posterior orbit. Brain. The pupil normally opens wider (dilates) in dim light or darkness, when focusing on far away objects, or when a person is excited. If there is no response after 45 minutes, place two drops of pilocarpine 1 or 2% in each eye. This allows for a better chance at recovery of innervation to the controlling function of the lens compared to pupillary reactive function recovery. The short ciliary nerves arise from the ciliary ganglion and carry sensory (from nasociliary), sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres (derived predominantly from nerve III, but also from VII). Topical agents (e.g., ocular drops or toxins accidentally or purposely placed in the eye) usually cause a unilateral mydriasis, and systemic agents can cause bilateral mydriasis (. The levator palpebrae superioris and superior rectus muscles have been removed and the frontal nerve reflected. Fourth (post-ganglionic motor) leaves the ciliary ganglion and passes in the short ciliary nerves to innervate the sphincter pupillae. If we don't have a program for you now, please continue to check back with us. The ratio of fibers that serve accommodation compared with pupil constriction is about 30:1, there is an overwhelming amount of regenerating accommodative fibers that respond to a near stimulus but may aberrantly regenerate to the pupil sphincter muscle. Found inside – Page 271The ciliary ganglion (E See Table 12.1) • Parasympathetic nerve ... Horner's syndrome The symptoms arise from damage to the sympathetic nerve supply to the ... The nerve terminals branch extensively and form plexi of unmyelinated fibres in the choroid and suprachoroid adjacent to vascular smooth muscle cells; however, they do not extend into the choriocapillaris. Chronic guanethidine treatment of rats produced extensive damage to sympathetic neurons of the superior cervical ganglion and pelvic plexus. Sometimes blurry vision or sensitivity to bright lights (photophobia) can occur. 1. Like any other autonomic ganglion, the ciliary ganglion has preganglionic and postganglionic fibers. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. What diagnoses should we worry about for a patient with an isolated third nerve palsy with mydriasis? The content of the website and databases of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, copied, downloaded or disseminated, in any way, for any commercial or public purpose, without prior written authorization and approval from NORD. Biousse V and Newman NJ. The iris sphincter muscle is innervated by the parasympathetic system. In addition to the oculocardiac reflex, parasympathetic activation has been reported during intranasal stimulation and is an important part of the diving reflex.37,38 During anesthesia, the trigeminal-mediated reflex may often be terminated by cessation of the stimulation. The ciliary ganglion supplies nerves (innervates) to the eye. This third edition covers topics in physics as they apply to the life sciences, specifically medicine, physiology, nursing and other applied health fields. Tumor, trauma, and inflammation (especially syphilis) have also been linked to Adie syndrome. From the ciliary ganglion, parasympathetic motor axons extend to the ciliary muscle, which adjusts the lens for near vision (accommodation). Therefore, third nerve palsies and tonic pupil (Adie pupil) from ciliary ganglion dysfunction may produce a mydriasis with a poorly or nonreactive pupil in response to light. Damage to the short ciliary nerve may result in … The pupillary abnormality is isolated without ptosis or diplopia. If there is no response after 45 minutes, place two drops of pilocarpine 1 or 2% in each eye. The syndrome has also occurred as a complication of surgery to the area of the eye socket. In some neurological disorders, the pupil does not react to light, but it does react to accommodation. When the damage is limited to the ciliary ganglion or the short ciliary nerve, eyelid and ocular mobility are unaffected. Like the sphincter pupillae, the ciliary muscle also receives postganglionic parasympathetic innervation from the ciliary ganglion (the preganglionic fibers originate from the accessory occulomotor nucleus (of Edinger-Westphal). Investigation of the individual’s profession might indicate the handling of drugs (pharmacists, nurses) or chemicals that could exert such an effect (farmers, crop dusters, exterminators). The book begins with general terminology and classification of ocular trauma, and goes on to cover such topics as: the new role of endoscopy; eye restoration with complete iris loss; anterior chamber disorders; rehabilitation advances; ... Anisocoria is more evident in bright light as the pupil fails to constrict due to injury to the sphincter muscle. The long ciliary nerves can be seen coursing between the nasociliary nerve, a branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, and the globe (lifted at scissor tip). In most cases the pupil seems slightly ‘ovally’ distorted. Aberrant reinnervation and upregulation of postsynaptic receptors lead to the clinical presentation of a tonically dilated pupil with near stimulation and poor reactivity to … Within the orbit, they branch off and synapse in the ciliary ganglion. What is the pathophysiology of . Therefore, third nerve palsies and tonic pupil (Adie pupil) from ciliary ganglion dysfunction may produce a mydriasis with a poorly or nonreactive pupil in response to light. The long ciliary nerves (from the nasociliary branch of V1) pass through the choroid and transmit sensory fibres to the cornea, iris and ciliary body. 2nd ed. It is placed in the orbit, on the lateral side of the optic nerve. Oftentimes, dyscoria is associated with structural abnormalities of the pupil. An eye doctor may use water-downed (diluted) pilocarpine to test the pupil’s reaction. When the larger pupil does not constrict as well as the small pupil in light, then the large pupil is abnormal (mydriasis). 7. What explains the light-near dissociation classically found in Adie tonic pupil syndrome. Questions with answers: 9. 7.7 Clinical Example #4. Concise anatomical text and descriptions of procedures are supported by high-quality, anatomical illustrations linked to clinical images. Over time, tonic pupils tend to become smaller (“little old Adies”). 1998;18(3):171-75., Jacobson DM, Hiner BC. Adie syndrome is … Its reaction to light and accommodation varies, depending on the extent of the damage. Drugs can produce mydriasis either by stimulation of the sympathetic innervation of the dilator pupillae or by inhibition of the parasympathetic innervation to the sphincter pupillae. 7. ● Large pupil that does not react or reacts poorly to light Dysfunction of the Ipsilateral Parasympathetic Pathway. The post ganglionic fibers pass by way of the short ciliary nerves along the optic nerve to innervate the ciliary muscle for constriction of the pupil. Multipolar and bipolar ganglion cell bodies immunoreactive for nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and VIP have been recently identified in the choroid and their axons may supply the choroidal vasculature (vasodilatory) or non-vascular smooth muscle cells. There is indication that a tonic pupil might in some cases be associated with autoimmune disease.56. Tonic Pupil. The geniculate ganglion is a collection of sensory neurons of the facial nerve, which is the seventh cranial nerve (CN VII).The ganglion is located in a bony structure that's called the facial canal. Adies tonic pupil refers to a dilated, poorly reactive pupil, presumably from dysfunction of the Do all 3rd nerve paresis have pupillary involvement? dilated) size. Symptoms of the following disorders can be similar to those of Adie syndrome. This dose will constrict a tonic pupil but will not constrict a normal pupil. A skin innervation study on 12 subjects. 11. Diseases of the ciliary ganglion produce a "tonic pupil", which is a pupil that does not react to light (it is “fixed”) and has an abnormally slow and prolonged response to attempted near vision (accommodation). A completely isolated mydriasis is extremely unlikely to be related to a third nerve palsy and should be evaluated clinically and with pharmacologic testing to rule out an Adie pupil or pharmacologic mydriasis prior to obtaining any further workup. It is being elicited by nerve cells that were designed for accommodation, a slower movement than pupillary constriction. The patient presents with a left eye characterized by ptosis, lateral strabismus, and dilated pupil. 3. Pharmacologic testing confirms the diagnosis of pharmacologic mydriasis: Adie's syndrome consists of a tonic pupil and loss of deep tendon reflexes. What are the clinical symptoms and signs of Adie tonic pupil When asked to rise his eyelids, he can only raise the lid of the right eye. The eyelid droops (ptosis) and the eye is deviated laterally (external strabismus) following damage of the oculomotor somatic component. It may help to think of a ganglion as a relay station or intermediary connection between different structures of the nervous system. a. It is related medially to the ophthalmic artery and laterally to the lateral rectus muscle. ● Slow tonic redilation of the pupil from near to distance because of sphincter muscle denervation supersensitivity Found insideThe new edition of the highly successful Anaesthesia Science Viva Book incorporates this new clinical emphasis, giving candidates an insight into the way the viva works, offering general guidance on exam technique, and providing readily ... Neurophysiol Clin. The ciliary muscle receives parasympathetic innervation from the short ciliary nerves (postganglionic fibers) that arise from the ciliary ganglion. Oftentimes, dyscoria is associated with structural abnormalities of the pupil. 5. Ciliary ganglia : Short postganglionic ciliary nerves leave the ciliary ganglion to innervate the iris muscle of the iris. Found inside – Page 426The pupillary abnormality results from damage to the ciliary ganglion or the postganglionic short ciliary nerves (see Fig. 13.3), which innervate the ... 7. The pupil is the space within the eye that permits light to project onto the retina. The ciliary ganglion is a parasympathetic ganglion, which lies about 1 cm from the posterior boundary of the orbit between the lateral surface of the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery. When the ciliary ganglia of some of these patients with Adie syndrome were examined, a loss of ciliary ganglion cells was demonstrated . It is situated near the apex of orbit between the optic nerve and lateral rectus muscle. This syndrome is often characterized by absent lower extremity deep tendon reflexes. Brief description of ciliary ganglion Why it is known as parasympathetic ganglion ? may itself predispose to further I/R events resulting in damage of retinal ganglion cells. The parasympathetic innervation of the ciliary body is the most clearly understood. Pula, in Aminoff's Neurology and General Medicine (Fifth Edition), 2014. Figure 6. With time (at least 1 week), supersensitivity develops, and even dilute pilocarpine (0.1%) may produce pupillary miosis (a normal pupil has no response to this dilute preparation of pilocarpine).59 The short ciliary nerves regenerate as accommodative fibers to the ciliary muscle along with aberrant innervation of the iris sphincter subserving the near response, thus creating light-near dissociation. Adie’s tonic pupil results from damage to the parasympathetic ciliary ganglion or short ciliary nerves that innervate the sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscle. Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, St. Louis, MO; 2008:357-360. The pupil provides insight into the function of the central and autonomic nervous systems. Pupillary immobility is also associated with third nerve palsies or selective damage to the axons of the preganglionic neurons coursing to the ciliary ganglion, and with damage to the postganglionic fibers that results in Adie’s syndrome (299, 390). Pathway of light reflex (Efferent) 4. What are the clinical symptoms and signs of Adie tonic pupil Argyll Robertson pupil is most commonly associated with syphilis, but may simply be a long-standing bilateral tonic pupil. In rare cases localized disturbance of sweat secretion is associated with Adie syndrome (Ross syndrome). 12.37, ▶Fig. Therefore, accommodation difficulties are not obvious or less obvious. The choroid is innervated by the long and short ciliary nerves. In addition to the cell bodies of the short ciliary nerves, the adrenergic long ciliary nerves and sensory afferent fibers from the eye are found in the ciliary ganglion. 6. The plural of “ganglion” is “ganglia.” You have 12 The approach to the patient with a third nerve palsy is detailed in Chapter 13. What diagnoses should we worry about for a patient with an isolated third nerve palsy with mydriasis? to be notified of new neuro-ophthalmology questions of the week. Ciliary muscles – contracts, causes the lens to become more spherical, and thus more adapted to short range vision. Place two drops of dilute pilocarpine (0.1%) in both eyes to make sure this is not atonic pupil (in which case, the dilated pupil will constrict because of denervation hypersensitivity, whereas the normal or pharmacologic pupil will not change). When the damage is limited to the ciliary ganglion or the short ciliary nerve, eyelid and ocular mobility are unaffected. While this is largely carrying sensory information from the globe, recent studies have demonstrated that autonomic system nerves course in this structure. Anything that denervates the ciliary ganglion will produce a tonic pupil due to aberrant nerve regeneration. The normal pupil will constrict. The anterior ethmoidal nerve runs anteriorly between the superior oblique and medial rectus muscles (Figure 6). Some Patients have incomplete third nerve palsy, but there is always some ptosis and diplopia from mild extraocular muscle deficits (, An isolated third nerve palsy with mydriasis may reveal an intracranial aneurysm or pituitary apoplexy, especially if associated with acute headache.”, 1. Maintenance of pupillary constriction in light-adapted rodents has traditionally been thought to involve a reflex between retina, brain and iris, with recent work identifying the melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) as the major conduits for retinal inpu … The location of the parasympathetic oculomotor nucleus is shown in drawings of sagittal (top) and transverse (bottom) sections of the brainstem and midbrain. A complete eye examination by an ophthalmologist is recommended. When gaze is focused on a near object the medial rectus muscles contract, producing convergence, the ciliary muscles contract enabling the lens to produce a more convex shape and the pupil constricts (accommodation for near vision). An increase in parasympathetic activity causes constriction of the pupillary sphincter. Ocular Disorders Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated-2nd Edition. Other drugs can cause dilated pupils or a delay in the response of eye muscles to light and darkness. . Found inside – Page 251Sites of Third-Nerve Damage Nuclear Lesions Because the Edinger-Westphal ... In the tonic pupil the ciliary ganglion is damaged, usually because of an ... The tonic pupil is the result of damage to the parasympathetic ciliary ganglion. 10. The branches from the posterior ciliary artery supply the anterior half of the ganglion. Found inside – Page 213Damage to the ciliary ganglion or the short ciliary nerves, results in a tonic pupil. Initially there is an isolated internal ophthalmoplegia (a fixed, ... With 22 chapters, including two that provide complete neurological examinations and diagnostic evaluations, this book is an ideal resource for health care professionals across a wide variety of disciplines. These nerves communicate with the iris sphincter muscle, the muscle that controls how much light enters the pupil (causing the pupil to either contract or grow larger). Holmes-Adie syndrome (HAS) is a neurological disorder affecting the pupil of the eye and the autonomic nervous system. Dysfunction of the Ipsilateral Parasympathetic Pathway Remember that anisocoria can be caused by instilled anticholinergic or sympathomimetic eye drops, or accidental contamination from plants or medicated skin patches and aerosols. Decreased corneal sensitivity often occurs because some afferent sensory fibers from the cornea pass through the short ciliary nerves and the ganglion.47 The affected muscle may exhibit cholinergic denervation supersensitivity, a physiologic phenomenon resulting from injury to the fibers directly innervating muscles.48 The near response is retained, but it is delayed and slow, and the pupil redilates sluggishly. Typically, all of the nerves in a ganglion will have similar or related functions. This results in a permanently dilated pupil that does not constrict in the presence of light. The ciliary ganglion, a parasympathetic ganglion, is located adjacent to the lateral border of the optic nerve and between the back of the eye and the posterior wall of the orbit. It measures 1- 2 millimeters in diameter and contains approximately 2,500 neurons. Quick review of the branches that make up the ciliary ganglion, short ciliary nerves and the long ciliary nerves © 2021 Stanford School of Medicine | Terms of Use | Pharmacologic testing confirms the diagnosis of pharmacologic mydriasis: Investigations should be obtained only once the mechanism of mydriasis is understood. Do all 3rd nerve paresis have pupillary involvement? Found inside – Page 312Before injury , most of the fibers in the ciliary ganglion are destined for the ciliary muscle to produce accommodation ( Above ) . Following injury , it is ... Parasympathetic portion of the third nerve splits off from its inferior division to synapse in the ciliary ganglion; short posterior ciliary nerves leave the ciliary ganglion to enter the posterior scleral wall, eventually supplying the iris sphincter for pupil constriction and the ciliary muscle for accommodation Onset is usually sudden. The branches of the ciliary ganglion are the short ciliary nerves. Supported by ganglion damage? From: Essential Clinically Applied Anatomy of the Peripheral Nervous System in the Head and Neck, 2016, JAMES J. CORBETT, in Peripheral Neuropathy (Fourth Edition), 2005. Found inside – Page iThis new fifth edition includes more surface anatomy such as new myotome maps, bones of the hands and feet, principles of movement at shoulder and hip and images to clarify the understanding of the inguinal region and the lesser sac of the ... Parasympathetic nerve fibers originating in the oculomotor nerve and postganglionic fibers innervate the ciliary body and pupillary sphincter muscles. If there is no response after 45 minutes, place two drops of pilocarpine 1 or 2% in each eye. 4. The … Patients may need reading glasses to correct the accommodation paralysis. Even the re-dilation after near fixation is promptly and fast. These branches carry sensory information through the ciliary ganglion without synapsing. Understanding the Stretch Reflex Ocular conditions that keep the large pupil from constricting (e.g., posterior synechia, angle closure glaucoma, previous ocular surgery, ocular trauma, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, and chronic mydriatic use) can produce mydriasis of various sizes; the pupil is not or is poorly reactive to light. Case 18-2006. In the majority of cases, the nasociliary nerve turns medially and courses with the ophthalmic artery superior to the optic nerve, but deep to the superior rectus muscle. The ciliary ganglion belongs to the efferent parasympathetic ganglia.

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