PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd - South Sudan "We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. While no response has yet been finalized, discussion for peace in South Sudan continues to grow—with the hope that a solution is soon to come. South Sudan's ethnic diversity is an . By the end of 2017, SSPA had claimed to have captured territory around Aweil. Causes of the Conflicts The British signed an agreement in 1953 that granted the people of Sudan independence and the right to self-governance. John Yor, Presbyterian Church of South Sudan general secretary, during a 2016 visit to Pochalla, in Jonglei State, where the inter-ethnic conflict is raging. [79], In the Upper Nile region, much of the fighting in 2016–17 was between the SPLA and the SPLA-IO allied Upper Nile faction of Uliny. [26] The UN said that it had successfully held the main part of Pibor alongside South Sudanese army troops. After the establishment of the new states, a new group made up of mostly Shilluk formed the "Tiger Faction New Forces" (TFNF), led by General Yoanes Okij, alleging that the new states gives power over Shilluk lands to the Dinka. [53] Official death toll has not been released as Human Rights Watch has noted the South Sudan government troops had blocked access and were heavily guarding Gudele and other affected, now abandoned suburbs of Juba. Thousands of South Sudanese women and girls, and some men, who have been raped in ethnically-charged sexual attacks in the ongoing conflict are battling mental distress and stigma with nowhere to turn for help, Amnesty International revealed in a new report . In his assessment, he reported to the UN Security Council the likelihood of “an outright ethnic war” that could lead to a “potential for genocide”. JUBA (Reuters) - The United Nations has sent a contingent of peacekeepers to an area of central South Sudan where about 80 people . There have also been outbreaks of violence in South Sudan’s Lakes State and in Lainya County near the capital, Juba. In March 2011, in clashes between the Uliny's Upper Nile faction and the SPLA North of Malakal, the SSDM claimed that the SPLA killed 168 civilians and named six villages that the SPLA burned down. [35][36] Ethiopian troops killed about 60 gunmen and crossed over the border with the South Sudanese government's permission to track the kidnappers in what some felt is the spilling over of fighting into Ethiopia. Pibor, Jonglei State (January 2012). The virus is spreading quickly, more than 100 cases per day. The demands on the fragile health care system have hampered the ability to treat those who have suffered gunshots and other injuries as a result of the violence. News July 24, 2017 2:00 am South Sudan: Sexual violence 'on a massive scale' leaves thousands in mental distress amid raging conflict. [61], Cattle raids between Dinka from the Dinka majority Jonglei state and the Murle from the Murle majority Boma State led to a peace agreement between both states on 5 December 2016 and to the formation of a joint police force recruited from the states of Jonglei, Boma and Bieh. In attempt to curb such violence, President Salva Kiir enacted emergency powers to disarm all ethnic groups within the military. The different peoples making up Sudan have a long history of ethnic conflict. [71], Uliny entered into peace talks and accepted an amnesty by the government in 2013. Please include author attribution, photography credits, and a link to the original article. “The Borgen Project is an incredible nonprofit organization that is addressing poverty and hunger and working towards ending them.” It takes 20 cows to buy a bride if a young man hopes to marry, which encourages cattle raiding. During this fighting, Shilluk in Wau Shilluk were forced from their homes and Yasmin Sooka, chairwoman of the Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan, claimed that the government was engaging in "social engineering" after it transported 2,000 mostly Dinka people to the abandoned areas. The majority of South Sudan's ethnic groups live as communities, and their issues are solved by community elders other than having formal institutions to handle such matters. 07.00 EDT. Despite South Sudan attaining its independence in 2011, there are still some inter-ethnic wars that mostly involve land disputes and cattle raiders. Yor told Braaksma that hundreds of Nuer and Murle civilians are dead, but the official death count isn’t accurate. There were high hopes for peace and stability once oil-rich South Sudan gained its long-fought independence from Sudan. [19] Activists, including Minority Rights Group International, warned of genocide in the conflict. Tribal violence over agricultural and livestock continued during the early months of South Sudan's independence with the government not having the funds nor the resources to handle the increasing violence. Many refer to the dominance of Dinkas as the "Dinkocracy". The second largest are the Nuers.Conflict is often aggravated among nomadic groups over the issue of cattle and grazing land and is part of the wider Sudanese nomadic . "This report documents the spreading violence and serious abuses against civilians in the Greater Equatoria region in the last year. Aug. 17, 2017. Found insideThis book is a critical analysis of the socioeconomic and political failures of South Sudan’s leaders who have plunged the nascent state into the abyss. On July 9, 2011, South Sudan celebrated its independence as the world's newest nation, an occasion that the country's Christian leaders claimed had been foretold in the Book of Isaiah. [108] Clashes in 2019 between the Gak and Manuer, both of the Pakam,[109] led to the deaths of 79 people. The United Nations assisted the Military Justice Directorate of the South Sudan People's Defence Forces in conducting training on international and domestic legal standards to prosecute sexual . Military and governmental corruption continues as well. [25], By 2 January, the majority of the Lou Nuer forces were said to have left Pibor and started to move to the southeast with a UN spokesman saying they were "almost certainly looking for cattle". The meeting will focus on the conflict between the two tribes. South Sudan community has witnessed a sharp increase of ethnic violence in Greater Bahr el Ghazal including Warrap State over the last 2 years. South Sudan is a republic operating under a transitional constitution signed into law upon declaration of independence from Sudan in July 2011. [Photo by Sudans Post] JUBA - Ethnic violence increasing cases of sexual violence, revenge killing, land grabbing, and child abduction have continued to escalate in the South Sudan despite the signing of the 2018 revitalized peace agreement, a man of God . The Crisis in South Sudan Congressional Research Service 1 Overview In December 2013, growing political tensions among key leaders in South Sudan erupted in violence. The United Nations assisted the Military Justice Directorate of the South Sudan People's Defence Forces in conducting training on international and domestic legal standards to prosecute sexual . . Tit-for-tat killings between Nuer and Dinka ethnic groups fray the weak ties holding South Sudan together. LOUISVILLE — The Rev. Debbie Braaksma). [73] SPLM-IO said they understood the feeling from the Shilluk community that they wanted a level of independence and that that was the reason the SPLM-IO last year created Fashoda state for the Shilluk kingdom and appointed Tijwog Aguet, a Shilluk, as governor. [94] Ugandan authorities often house Dinka refugees separately to minimize violence. fuel ethnic and religious conflict. The second largest tribe is the Nuers tribe. [102] In May, Sudan's tanks enter Abyei, in an attempt to clear out southern forces. In this Quarterly Special Report (QSR) on the conflict in South Sudan, we focus on the civil wars, border disputes and rivalries between ethnic groups that have resulted in over half a century of violence in the country. [34], On 15 April 2016, Murle fighters in South Sudan crossed over to the Jikawo and Lare areas of the Gambela Region (which hosts about 300,000 South Sudanese refugees) in Ethiopia and killed at least 208 people, stole 2000 cattle and kidnapped at least 108 women and children from the Nuer tribe. [116][117] Awan was accused of plotting a rebellion and was detained but then released. They are too expensive. Hundreds killed in South Sudan ethnic violence - UN report The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has said in a report on humanitarian and human rights situation in the country that ongoing ethnic violence in many parts of the world's youngest country has killed at least 444 people with 178 others being injured between February 1, and May 31 2021. The Dinkas largely supported South Sudan's independence during the Second Sudanese Civil War. [62] In March, armed youth and soldiers from Jonglei state attacked and captured Kotchar, in Boma state. [58][59] Not all Cobra faction general were satisfied and a splinter group called the Greater Pibor Forces formed alleging that the SPLM were inciting the Murle to attack the Lou Nuer as a form of divide and rule. Sudan (United Mission in the Republic of South Sudan: UNMISS 5). Aug. 17, 2017. Ethnic violence in South Sudan (2011-present) Part of the Sudanese nomadic conflicts: Map of South Sudan with the areas of conflict as of January 2012 in red. Based on interviews with more than 50 displaced Murle victims and witnesses, "They Are Killing Us" documents how the conflict and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law have forced the majority of the Murle ... U.N. sends troops to halt bout of ethnic violence in South Sudan. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist. The violence follows a power struggle . Nuer Prophets is the first major work on the Nuer since the classic books by E. E. Evans-Pritchard in the middle of this century, which made them one of the most-studied peoples in the world. Over 50,000 have been killed, almost 1.6 million have South Sudanese who fled ethnic violence carry their food aid from a World Food Programme distribution centre in . Dr. Isaiah Majok Dau, General Overseer of Sudan Pentecostal Church speaking during a press conference in Juba on Thursday, July 8th 2021. [106] In June 2017, 38 people were killed in Gogrial State in fighting between Apuk and Aguok over border disputes. Therefore, the book considered to be historical. The book is especially relevant today, and one that students, social scenes researchers, political and military leaders, and interested citizens at all levels should read. Most chose to join their former SPLA enemies as a matter of survival. The rebels denied the allegations, saying it was retreating government troops who perpetrated the murders. Fighting bad telephone connections, the Rev. Uniformed soldiers were spotted during the clashes, suggesting that army or ex-rebel forces had joined the irregular militias. A South Sudan Red Cross volunteer was also killed. Examining Vicious Cycle Of Ethnic Violence In South Sudan. This book examines the continuing devastation in the Darfur region of Sudan, from the perspective of a multiplicity of conflicts of distinct types. Not only has ethnic violence engulfed South Sudan, but widespread famine and mass displacement continue to destabilize the country. 1991 rise of ethnic violence in South Sudan Sharon E. Hutchinson* ABSTRACT Southern Sudanese civilian populations have been trapped in a rising tide of ethnicised, South-on-South, military violence ever since leadership struggles within the main southern opposition movement- the Sudan People's Lib- [121], The Dinka dominated SPLA recruited militias and young men from the Jikany Nuer and Bul Nuer in Unity state to take back areas held by the Nuer dominated SPLM-IO. About 1.73 million have been displaced internally since the conflict began in December 2013. [65], Beginning in early 2020, Lou Nuer tribal militants launched attacks against the Murle in the Pibor region, killing many and causing thousands to flee into the bush or to seek shelter at a UNMISS base at Pibor. The SPLA dispatched 3,000 soldiers and 800 police to support the government's garrison in Pibor. (Photo by the Rev. Sometimes, whole tribal territories became affiliated with one side or the other, and the vicious north–south war became a defining factor in relations between tribes, infusing old hostilities with a new, political dimension. [4], John Uliny from the Shilluk people lead the Upper Nile faction of the South Sudan Democratic Movement in rebellion. Found insideDrawing on hundreds of interviews and a broad range of sources, this book gives a sharply focused, fresh account of South Sudan's long, unfinished fight for liberation. While the political dispute that triggered this crisis was not clearly based on ethnic [39] At least 287 people were killed in Murle-Nuer clashes starting on 16 May 2020. As South Sudanese analyst Daniel Akech Thiong shows, it is this politics that lies at the heart of the country's seemingly intractable civil war. In this book, Akech Thiong explores the origins of South Sudan's politics of fear. [102] By the end of the month, the African Union discloses a tentative agreement is reached, establishing a preliminary 20-kilometre ceasefire line and demilitarized region in Abyei. Lasting peace remains distant . New evidence is emerging of alleged ethnic killings committed during more than a week of fighting in South Sudan. "Investigating the causes and consequences of ethnic conflict, the authors argue that the most effective responses are those that take into account factors at the local, state, regional and global level and that avoid seeking simplistic ... Victims of ethnic violence in Jonglei, state, South Sudan, wait in line at the World Food Program distribution center in Pibor to receive emergency food rations, January 12, 2012. January 20, 201412:00 AM ET. [101] In the same month, in Todach, Abyei, ten people died when armed militias stormed a police post. In May 2017, Kiir reduced the power of the chief of staff position[113] and fired Malong Awan. South Sudan’s civil war is now in its sixth year, creating the worst refugee crisis in Africa since the Rwandan genocide 26 years ago. During the Second Sudanese Civil War, several factions split from the SPLA often along ethnic lines and were funded and armed by Khartoum. The second largest are the Nuers.Conflict is often aggravated among nomadic groups over the issue of cattle and grazing land and is part . The United States has proposed an arms embargo on South Sudan, though this was opposed by Russia and China. April 22, 2014 (ADDIS ABABA) - The African Union (AU) has condemned the latest round of violence in South Sudan's Unity and Jonglei states in which hundreds of civilians were killed in . [45], In 2013, after a year of escalating changes in government and in the party, including the dismissal of Vice-President Riek Machar and the entire cabinet in June, fighting between Nuer and Dinka SPLA soldiers broke out in Juba on December, igniting the South Sudanese Civil War. [56], As early as 1963, during the First Sudanese Civil War, Khartoum began arming the Murle tribe, traditional enemies of both Dinka and Nuer, to fight the southern rebellion. Nearly 400,000 people have died in the civil war. [100], In January 2011, clashes between nomadic Misseriya Arabs and the Dinka people killed 'dozens' in Abyei preceding the independence referendum. Violence erupted in late 2013 after President Salva Kiir, from the Dinka ethnic group, sacked vice president Riek Machar . South Sudan: Solutions for Moving Beyond an "Ethnic Conflict" Christa Charbonneau Kuntzelman, M.A. Sudan also hosts 1.1 million refugees fleeing strife from surrounding countries. [18] The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) deployed peacekeepers to Pibor on 30 December in an effort to avert an attack by 6,000 armed Lou Nuer youths. Breaking Sudan is a meticulous account, analyzing why violence became so deeply entrenched in Sudanese society and exploring what can be done to find peace in two countries ravaged by war. Weather shocks and natural disasters, it has been argued, represent a major threat to national and international security. By AT editor - 20 February 2021 at 11:32 am. [13][53] Similar door to door searches of members of the Nuer ethnicity have been reported in the government held capital city of the Upper Nile State, Malakal.[55]. [29][30], A peace deal was signed in May 2012 by representatives of six ethnic communities in Jonglei state. [37] By 2017, about 100 children had been retrieved. "South Sudan gained its independence on July 9, 2011. Other people attributed the increase of violence to the dwindling economy and poverty and war. May 22, 2020, function googleTranslateElementInit() { There is limited food or water availability. However, during the civil war, after Kiir's floated the idea of carving new states which would give Kiir's Dinkas strong majorities and which the Shilluk felt would carve up their homeland, Uliny switched sides to fight with SPLO-IO in April 2015. The President Salvar Kiir's Dinka of Warrap were in a feud with the Dinka of the chief of staff Paul Malong Awan's Aweil, who contributed the bulk of the government's fighting force. The violence, however, comes on the heels of the formation of a new government in South Sudan, one intended to bring an end to a civil war that began in 2013 and has cost more than 400,000 lives . [38], In February 2020 in Jonglei, over 200 women and children were believed to have been abducted. Part of Ethnic violence in South Sudan and the Sudanese Civil Wars: Military situation in South Sudan on 22 March 2020 Under control of the Government of South Sudan Under . South Sudan has seen progress on peace since a February 2020 agreement, but violence continues at the local level in more than 75 percent of the country and it threatens to spiral out of control in several regions. In 2010, Dennis Blair, the United States Director of National Intelligence, issued a warning that "over the next five years,...a new mass killing or genocide is most likely to occur in southern Sudan. Hundreds of people have died in the past year in cattle raids and retaliatory attacks involving the . A story of transformation and of victory against the odds, this book reviews South Sudan's modern history as a contested region and assesses the political, social and security dynamics that will shape its immediate future as Africa's newest ... “There is no protection,” Yor said. The attacks often target an entire village, burning them in their round thatched huts. Volunteer with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Volunteer for Elected Service at the General Assembly Level, Support the church’s response to Hurricane Ida — Give now, reported it had lost a South Sudanese staff member, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDeratives 4.0 International License. However, there were disagreements over who should be the new governors and, even though the deal decreased political violence, the spike in inter-communal violence was attributed to the resulting power vacuum.[40][41]. [63] Boma state officials, as well as Khalid Boutros of the Cobra faction, accuse the SPLA of supporting the attacks on Boma state. Further, on Christmas Eve 2015, Salvar Kiir announced an increase in the number of states from 10 to 28 and then, five days later, swore in all new governors appointed by him. [4] Over 10,000 people were displaced in the midst of the rainy season and sent fleeing into the forest, often naked, without bedding, shelter or food, with many children dying from hunger and cold. The conflict in South Sudan, explained. Nepali Army peacekeepers from the Temporary Operating Base (TOB) under the Kalidhwaj Battalion deployed in the Cueibet area of South Sudan (UNMISS) for peacekeeping on November 25 have averted a possible ethnic violence there. [60] The new borders give Kiir's Dinkas a majority in strategic locations. However, after decades of civil war, the region is awash with guns, and young men are now armed with high-powered weapons. [102] In April, Sudan's president, Omar al-Bashir, issued a statement saying he will not accept South Sudan's independence as voted in the January referendum unless the north takes control over the oil-rich Abyei region. Found insideIt was an extraordinary, unprecedented experiment. Many have fought, but South Sudan did the impossible, and won. This is the story of an epic fight for freedom. It is also the story of a nightmare. [81] He claimed the SPLA razed down several villages and that his lawyers were preparing a case before the International Criminal Court against senior SPLA staff and members of the Jieng Council of Elders. [12] Much of the worst atrocities committed were blamed on a group known as "Mathiang Anyoor" (Brown caterpillar) or "Dot Ke Beny" (Rescue the President), a militia of Dinkas formed to protect Kiir and Paul Malong Awan, while the SPLA claim that it is just another battalion. [49] In the Gudele neighborhood, about 200–400 Nuer men were rounded up in to a room in a police station and were shot at through the windows over two days if the soldiers noticed signs of life. There is no doubt that the dynamics of armed violence in Juba and across South Sudan have taken on an ethnic . A fresh wave of violence broke out in South Sudan [3] in mid-May, when members of the Merle ethnic group attacked villages of the ethnic group Lou Nuer, in the north of Jonglei, in retaliation for an attack on the Merle in February. [44] In 2011, SSLA clash with tribal cattle herders in Warrap State, south of Abyei. [80] The king of the Shilluk Kingdom, Kwongo Dak Padiet, claimed his people were at risk of physical and cultural extinction. There have also been outbreaks of violence in South Sudan's Lakes State and in Lainya County near the capital, Juba. In a strategy of co-option known as "big tent", the government often buys off community militia and pardons its leaders. This consists of shootings, rapes, and, most grievously, the killings of at least 57 aid workers. “We need to try to be involved fully to mediate the conflict,” he told Braaksma. SPLM Dinka troops, led by Lieutenant General Marial Chanuong,[48] were assisted by guides in house to house searches for Nuers in Nuer areas of the Juba. Other people think the cause of the ethnic violence is Another group traditionally inhabiting the Bahr El Ghazal are the Jur people. Footnote 32 Retaliatory violence between rebels and government forces can plausibly be traced between the South Sudan government archives and rebel propaganda from the time: for instance, after government papers recorded that rebels killed a state collaborator in the Khor Dalib area on 6 October 1963, the Anya-Nya news sheet Voice of Southern . But the country slid into ethnic violence in December 2013 when forces loyal . In South Sudan, the fighting that began in December continues between groups loyal . Then, fighters took to radio airwaves—the means by which most . Dinkas constitute 35% of the total population of the with predominance government. Questions & Answers on the Conflict in South Sudan, 3 years after its independence -by Elizabeth Ashamu Deng, Amnesty International On 9 July, South Sudan will mark three years as an independent state. [28] The United Nations estimated a total death toll of 900 between December 2011 and February 2012 as a result of the Nuer-Murle clashes, prior to the South Sudanese government's disarmament campaign in March. [21] The Lou Nuer were said to have pursued members of the Murle who were fleeing southwards. Jonglei State, home to about 1.3 million people in 11 counties, is the largest and most populous state in South Sudan (United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan [UNMISS] 2011:5). Fighting at the turn of the New Year in Jonglei state left dozens, possibly hundreds, of people dead and caused as many as 50,000 residents to flee their homes. Ethnic violence in South Sudan (2011-present) Part of the Sudanese nomadic conflicts: Map of South Sudan with the areas of conflict as of January 2012 in red. [9][10] While the army used to attract men from across tribes, during the South Sudanese Civil War, the SPLA had largely become a militia of soldiers from the Dinka stronghold of Bahr el Ghazal, home region of President Kiir and the Chief of Staff,[11] and the army was often referred to within the country as "the Dinka army". [19] . In course of multiple raids and heavy fighting, several settlements were destroyed or damaged, thousands were forced to flee, and large numbers of cattle were stolen. The volume includes studies of prison gangs, girls in gangs, and pro-government groups; it also features case studies from Ecuador and Southern Sudan. According to a statement issued late yesterday, the 15-member Council expressed "deep alarm over the escalation of ethnic violence in South Sudan reportedly carried out by the Sudan People's . He now claimed to be fighting for a separate state for the Murle. In The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars, Douglas H. Johnson examines historical, political, economic, and social factors to come to a more subtle understanding of the trajectory of Sudan's civil wars. [57] During the Civil War in January 2014, the government signed a peace agreement called the Greater Pibor Administrative Area peace agreement with the Cobra Faction which created in May that year the semi-autonomous area called the Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) to increase the minority populations within its borders and David Yau Yau was appointed chief administrator, equivalent to state governor. Jonglei is a multiethnic state inhabited by several ethnic groups, such as the Dinka, Nuer, and Murle (International Crisis Group 28). Life in the post-conflict period continues to be challenging, as women try to carve out a meaningful life in a tenuous peace. This volume documents the lives of different groups of women in South Sudan. During the South Sudanese Civil War, forces identified by the UN as SPLM-IO massacred about 200 mostly non-Nuer civilians in April 2014. South Sudan Conflict, and Democracy Consolidation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This briefing (2012) discusses various sources of insecurity in South Sudan. [104], In March 2011, an armed clash over a land dispute in Twic East County, Jonglei between members of the Ayuel and Dachuek Dinka, killed 22 people, including one SPLA officer. Everyone is in danger.” He said that even he, a church leader, did not have access to a mask. Ethnic violence has displaced close to 80,000 people and killed an unknown number of civilians in South Sudan since June, the United Nations said on Tuesday. Here are 10 facts about the ethnic violence in South Sudan: On November 19, 2016, the United Nations Security Council urgently called for proactive measures that would “promote reconciliation among the people” and prevent genocide. There were high hopes for peace and stability once oil-rich South Sudan gained its long-fought independence from Sudan. On Friday, there will be a meeting of PCOSS-trained peace mediators, Yor said. They were pursued by the Ethiopian military. Southern Sudan officials reported some of the attackers were Misseriya, but claimed the attack itself was connected to a Khartoum government-sponsored militia. [70] During the civil war, in February 2016, 18 people were killed, including two Médecins Sans Frontières staff, in fighting between Shilluk and Dinka youths at a "protection of civilian" (POC) site, which are often divided by ethnic groups to prevent fighting. The deployment spot lies some 70 kilometres northwest from the Battalion Headquarters, Rumbek of South Sudan. The absence of functioning local governments has meant that little has been done by the authorities about the . As part of the deal to end the civil war, the number of states was reduced back to 10. The surviving Nuer soldiers fled into the bush, with some joining local SPLM-IO rebels or starting to escape northward. Ethnic framings. Candidate DePaul University Abstract Although ethnicity is a contributing factor to the ongoing crisis in South Sudan, particularly after the re-escalation of violence in December of 2013, the characterization of the Juba, South Sudan - A dead silence hung over . 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