KEY FACTORS FOR SUCCESSFUL FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING WITH A GENERAL CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING MODEL AND SLOVENIAN COMPANIES CASE STUDIES ABSTRACT Restructuring of companies is the process of adaptation of the company to changed external or internal conditions. goods producers and technical services (see Appendix 2). A classification and summary of the publishing outlets where the literature has appeared is presented. Calder, B.J. Use these factors at the end of the project to measure your success. However, smartphone is necessary to cope with different platforms such as iOS and Android. What matters is achieving a cost, or differentiation position (industry wide or in a niche) which can be, defended against rivals. “If they want employees to take, collective responsibilities for customers, managers must do more than, reorganize”, according to Majchrzak and W, components of customer value can only be realized if the drivers reinforce, each other through a collective team effort. competitive advantage could be measured unambiguously. Next. Found insideThis book consists of peer-reviewed and invited papers with two primary goals: (1) Stimulate creative discussion between academic researchers and the practitioner IS community to improve the research and practice in the area. (2) Increase ... Annales de l Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis. San Francisco © SGEM2013 All Rights Reserved by the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM. Found inside – Page iiiMartin Wiener develops a model that comprises 29 critical success factors which are classified into four distinct groups: internal suitability, internal management, external suitability, and external management factors. four, pure groups (technical services, capital goods and system providers and industrial, dealers, traders and wholesalers). Understanding and implementing these success factors are integral to a successful Office 365 rollout. Progress toward the key initiatives in the plan. This might imply that the managerial value of. significant relationship with the dependent. It can be c, representativeness of the survey sample was com. A comprehensive change program aimed at enhancing these capabilities includes: (1) the diagnosis of current capabilities, (2) anticipation of future needs for capabilities, (3) bottom-up redesign of underlying processes, (4) top-down direction and commitment, (5) creative use of information technology, and (6) continuous monitoring of progress. To understand what factors are the key predictors of business success, a BDC/Nielsen survey was conducted of 1,139 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Canada. South-Western Publishing, Cincinnati, OH. A stepwise well-deliberated introduction/expansion of, information technology in core processes was also mentioned as a key, contributor to differentiation. This finding is in line with the service marketing literature which amply, demonstrates that in the context of service management people are critical, to the success of the company[6]. 6 (1985): 34-38. The moderator frequently used the flip, chart to summarize or highlight discussion points and to assist participants in “drilling. Value chain plays an important role in the diagnosis of an organization's competitive advantage because through it we can get an insight into the mode of action of costs and the influences they have on the strategy that the organization has taken. The performance tracking. This finding corresponds with Lovelock’, p. 41) assertion that “there is far more scope for tailoring the service to meet, the needs of individual customers”. Figure 1. versus services marketing debate, classification schemes for services, unique characteristics of services, the relationship between services and, the customer (service encounters/experiences, service quality, retention and relationship marketing) and service design (marketing, impact and role of service operation and process design and TQM) (see, attention in the industrial marketing literature. By analyzing all CFSs mentioned in the literature, the taxonomy of BI CSFs implementation was formulated In the total of (21) CSFs were identified. The analysis is based on the review of a large amount of literature on this subject matter, industrial presentations, and on the processing of data obtained from interviews with several companies. Service product suppliers in the roundtables defined, customer value as “constantly observing what the customer problem, specifically is” and next “offering a total solution through know how and. 1. Formulation of the null hypothesis (H0), which expres. Found inside – Page 167Available from Wan Jusoh, W. J. (2000), “Determining key success factors in new product development: Evidence ... of industrial services in The Netherlands at the end of the twentieth century. Such a kit is, Innovation, though, should not necessarily be sought in the core of, peripheral services. Investment in equipment were evaluated by many participants from a cost-, Participants agreed on the importance of what one spokesman termed as, “professional authority” that one had to display to the customer. Focus on the customer 2. Therefore, management, practices and organization blueprints of excellent industrial service, providers should be studied in order to identify how they “operate” the, value drivers. small business owners create 99% of all jobs in the United States however, the U.S. Department of Commence (as cited in SBA, 2011) reported that 50% of new small business startups fail within the first 5 years of operation. A total of 64 articles were reviewed to achieve a depth of understanding of the various CSFs already identified by other researchers and presenting a comprehensive taxonomy of CSFs in the area of BI. Keywords - Key factors, business systems, intelligent systems . The concept was derived after the analysis of over 100 popular books and 20 years. Found inside – Page 1245ERP Implementation Critical Success Factors - The Role and Impact of Business Process Management. IEEE & ICMIT, 02/2000, 122–127. In this paper, the economic efficiency of most frequently used geodetic methods; GNSS, tachometer and laser scanning will be evaluated. A flexible and efficient system development approach for enterprise system and smartphone application, Smart companies in the 21st century: The secrets of creating successful business intelligence solutions, Review of usability of selected geodetic methods from the view of their economic efficiency in spatial data collection process, Identifying the course role of in-service learning via the social network structure, “Identification of key competencies of university students for the needs of knowledge society development in Slovakia”, which is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, IMPORT SUBSTITUTION IN THE ENERGY SECTOR AS THE BASIS FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE REGION, Multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems involving critical Sobolev exponents. Organizational learning was equally referred to, by most respondents as a key differentiator. The surve, The paper presents partial results of the. requirements for sustainability of competitive advantage (e.g. Specific modules (such as Business Intelligence) facilitate decision-making. For instance, investments in new affiliates to, achieve regional and/or global coverage (assets) will only result in, performance improvements when these affiliates are staffed with, commercial technicians (unique skills) who act as an empowered team, (culture). W, customer says “this has value for me” (engineering company). Mesaros et al. Let business goals drive functionality 5. The purpose of competitive strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) and thereby enhance a business's performance. DOI: 10.14254/20718330.2013/62/6 Figure 1 displays a model of, It is argued that companies reach “positional advantages” (Day and W. 1988) by investing in assets and capabilities. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. The term of, resources refer to those resources which are not necessary and not sufficient, to achieve competitive advantages. However, problems in the strategy literature pertains to the fact that competitive advantages, cannot be captured in a one-dimensional measure. The output of this paper will help future researchers to increase the identification of related studies in the literature review phase of their work. prove continuously that you are more innovative than your competitors”: A shipyard developed a software program to optimize ship design in terms of, noise, contamination, energy consumption, manoeuvring and structure-dynamics, among others. Contemporary business literature features a wide range of success factors through a number of conceptual frameworks that attempt to capture aspects of SMEs success. This positioning only explains part of the differences in, performance within an industry: a superior performer possesses not only an, attractive position, but also unique and hard to imitate resources (Dierickx, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING, VOL. Heskett and Schlesinger, 1994; Irons, 1994). Hence, “people-, oriented” personnel is important and all participants pinpoint the selection, process of field service people as a key issue in which sales and marketing, should be involved. The approach of the research is to identify key success factors from both perceived and actual views, and on that basis explore some hypotheses about the business characteristics that have resulted in high business performance. Also, the service sector now accounts for more than three-, fourths of total employment in the USA and is still expanding, (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 1994). For process improvement it is important to understand the relationships between the different building blocks of a process. Another factor to use in gauging success is how your team feels about the process and final outcome. The product complexity (which is so typical in an, industrial setting) should be reduced and translated into a user-friendly, Agile innovation in the core or in the peripheral systems is considered a key, contributor to enhanced performance. Sharon Nelton, "Ten Key Threats to Success," Nation's Business 80, no. This stresses the, importance of a market(ing) orientation. expects to have a smooth exchange with us”, according to a spokesman. The focus is on the interface of services. Second, performance is, not only dependent on the match between the assets and unique skills of a, business and the actual KSFs of the industry, but also on the attractiveness, of the industry. The world of business is filled with words, terms, phrases, and acronyms that can be confusing. Our model focusses on all services offered, the more because the. Next, both authors read. In order to be effective, a critical success factor must: Be vital to the organization's success. The actual implementation of strategy, for instance how a, company tries to implement service quality, takes credit for a large part of, the explanation in performance differences. Purpose It could include There is the employment of “content analysis”, given that the study purpose is the achievement of deep understanding of the variety of factors of implementation that other researchers have previously identified. company, quality control and electricity testing. Business intelligence systems (BIS) are an important component of modern organization’s information infrastructure. In this study we use 2009 National Teacher in-service Education Information Network ( database to obtain 4,317 sample resources. On the other, hand, technological changes, the globalization of competition and. Still, participants fully agreed on, the need to replace their traditional budget-oriented systems by market-based. The paper is structured as followed. The discussion of the three stages shows how the literature has evolved from the early services-marketing-is-different debate to the maturation of specific topics (e.g., service quality, service encounters) and the legitimization of the services marketing literature by major marketing journals. Practical implications On the other hand, the use of smartphones in the enterprise system has been increasing. The implementation factors were analysed and then sorted into a descending order based upon their frequency of occurrence. Hence, core skills and resources should be, considered as failure preventers rather than success producers (V, 1985). 1. The innovation in the tuition process lies in the fact that this software is not used for modelling the processes within the university (the organization itself) – but rather, that the students themselves model and analyze processes drawn from real-world praxis (working practices) in manufacturing production and non-manufacturing enterprises. (1994). Even in the highest level of technicality, in the end you only, I fully agree, differentiation can only result from your people and their skills and. The. Found inside – Page 756Retrieved from wp-content/uploads/2009/04/role-of-nationalbudget-in-developing entrepreneurs.pdf Miah, M. A. (2006). Key success factors ... namely the existence of a statistically significant relatio, hypothesis (H0) that actually pays. The service marketing literature mainly concentrates on the goods. The, latter refers to “supplementary services” to a tangible product (Lovelock, 1994) which, have become the primary generator of sales revenue in many so-called “product, industries”. What to expect from business intelligence, Pour, J., 2006: What to expect from business intelligence? In fact, the co-ordination among different, affiliates and units is appreciated because in industrial markets customers, often have multiple plants and they do not want to experience inconsisten-, cies. Service development should be “applications know-how, driven”. Negash, S., 2004: Business intelligence, Journal of communications of the association for information Found inside – Page 175Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) (2015), High-Impact Firms: Accelerating ... Apprenticeship and Traineeship Schemes in EU27: Key Success Factors, ... Moreover, literature is collected from selected databases and journals from 1998 to 2018. and management of industrial services. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed. Listening to the customer was frequently discussed as, the starting point of the relationship marketing process. to key factors for success with bancassurance. A high degree of customization is required in business-to-business services. these solutions in the enterprise increases. This implies more than, an emphasis on service, cost control, speed and even innovation; long-term, performance is likely to be contingent on the learning skills of the, Although the attention of the strategy literature is mainly (explicit or, implicit) on competencies development and competitive positioning for, tangible products, competition in industrial services markets displays a, similar evolution path. Calculation of test statistics and probability. Key Success Factor 1: Performing process analyses. customers and “the maintenance of informal relational networks”. Baden-Fuller, C. and Stopford, J.M. key success factors are necessary conditions for superior performance. Twelve BI experts were asked to pairwise rank the success factors of business intelligence system to conclude that organizational and technological should be the top priority for BIS projects. Over 20 years, reviewing and analyzing over 100 top-selling books, as well as many professional articles and practical experience with many different clients, we determined that there are 5 really big Key . The most critical stage for the, This article presents from the basic concepts used in mathematical modeling, starting with the concept of model and the identification of different types of models as well as examples of implementation. However, the information system does not catch up the rapid change. The next challenge is to understand how this organizational orientation can be achieved and sustained. Geodetic measurements belong to the most accurate, but also the most laborious methods of obtaining spatial data. The focus on industrial services adds relevance to our effort given the. manager among the critical success factors for Enterprise Risk Management. general contractors, system integrator, integral service providers (installation/engineering, companies), capital goods customizer, research labs, pumps/hot air technology, environmental and infrastructure consultancy, engineering company. Such an adjustment may be necessary due to the change in Compensatory key success factors open up for choices of areas of excellence and hence for the formation of stra-tegic groups. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. 6 (1992): 18-24. Given the intangible nature of industrial services, the, challenge is to communicate explicitly the quality they offer, service providers seek to demonstrate the quality of their service offerings. Many ideas were still in the, development stage. Analysis results show that the cheapest method is GNSS. Especially in professional, technical service firms (such as engineering companies) this bonding process, The model that we presented is based on qualitative research. A participant of one of the roundtable discussions expressed, concerns of becoming locked up with one customer, an assertion also, discussed by other panels. statement is illustrative for the mainstream idea of the discussion. Edvardsson, B., Thomasson, B. and Ovretveit, J. Each area has strategic and operational areas of measurement, or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). First, KSFs are assertions about the, causes of success under certain market conditions. These assets are more, or less equally present in all competing firms and do not explain differences, in competitive advantages. technologies as business innovation enablers and create an agile culture, organization, and asset base to thrive in an environment of change." KPMG's global research points to three critical factors for business transformation success: 1. Found insideThis collective book offers a cross-country perspective on the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Laser scanning is ideal for accurate documentation of an object, but acquisition costs are very high and work with the scanner and processing software requires an experienced professional. Therefore, the pre-transaction stage becomes, key as well as continuous market sensing (Day, 1994) at dif. Found inside – Page iFeaturing coverage on a wide range of topics, including managerial mindsets, learning-performance relationship, and strategic risk management, this book is geared toward academicians, researchers, students, and policy makers seeking ... Another participant stressed the customization aspect, “we try to give the, customer the feeling that we are only working on his problem, although to a, large extent, we offer ‘confection work”’. Moreover, team selling is required given the complexity of industrial, services, which necessitates the participation of commercial, quality special-, ists and the integration of diverse types of expertise. The pressure on service budgets was. people component. This book brings together the most cogent themes for an introduction to e-business and constitutes a valuable contribution to formalising common themes for teaching the subject in higher education. Highlight all Match case. These methods have been used to range a landfill in aggregate surface mine and they were subsequently assessed by their economic efficiency in spatial data collection process. Not fads or solutions of the month, but enduring qualities you can bet your business on? The whole discussion was videotaped. investigate the mentioned challenges and key success factors for the application of selected topics with BPM direction. The data gathered were transcribed and analysed using Creswell's six steps in data analysis and interpretation. unique scope and challenges of industrial marketers (Cespedes, 1994; Key success factors KSFs) express a relationship between the, performance of a business, in terms of competitive advantages, and the, causes of that performance, in terms of assets and skills. Put in place the enterprise system has been used shows you how to those! Been finding it hard to operate in Singapore owing to the participants targeted from diverse lists of, competitive and! Towards more age-friendly cities introduction businesses have been identified by researchers in other.... From business intelligence roadmap about creating and maintaining competitive, advantages belongs the... 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